April 18, 2018
Gold Winners at the Interactivity Challenge in the National Robotics Challenge Liam Parsell, Noah Daugherty, and Gaege Seiber won Gold at the Interactivity Challenge at The Nation...
April 16, 2018
2018 Create U.S. Open Robotics Champions The Ridgedale 6302Y Vex Robotics team is proud to be Tournament Champions at the 2018 Create U.S. Open Robotics Championship. This past Ap...
March 7, 2018
Kayli Long placed 6th in the State FFA Adv. Prepared Speaking March 3rd, 2018.
Kayli researched, wrote and competed all the way to the State Contest. Her Topic is Organic Farm...
February 24, 2018
Yearbooks are available to order through March. Just click the above link to order.
January 27, 2018
Congratulations on winning the skills competition and tournament at the Marion Harding High School Vex Robotics Competition. Ridgedale team 6302Y set a new record in the State o...
January 13, 2018
We would like to thank the Marion County Sheriffs Department for training the staff about student safety. All Staff listened to a presentation and then had to show what they had ...
December 12, 2017
Thanks to all who came out to see the Elementary Winter Program, here are some pictures from the event.
December 11, 2017
Thanks to all that came out to support the Jr./Sr. High Winter Program, here are a few pics from the event.
November 30, 2017
Board of Education Open Seat
The Ridgedale Local Schools Board of Education is seeking interested parties to fill a seat on the Board of Education for Calendar Year ...
November 16, 2017
You can download the document here or view below
November 7, 2017
You can order online at the following address http://order.fancloth.com/43337/337577 or to pay with cash or check you will need to print the order form and send it in with you...
October 19, 2017
SOS Program
The Marion Area Counseling Center will be at Ridgedale starting November 1 to administer the Signs of Suicide (SOS) screening to all students in grad...
October 10, 2017
2017-2018 Youth Basketball Registration Registration for basketball will be held at Ridgedale Elementary on the following dates: Friday October 6th from 5:00pm - 7:00pm Wednesda...
September 20, 2017
2017 Northern 10 Golf Champions
Picture: left to right Grant Park, Jesse Schertzer, Mitchill Reasoner, Brock Williams, Sam Leach, Merrick Cooper
August 23, 2017
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