Ridgedale NASP Archery Program 2018

Ridgedale NASP Archery Program 2018

Ridgedale Local Schools received a grant  through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for $7500 with Mid Ohio Energy Cooperative supplying some matching funds of $2000.  Mrs. Guthrie organized, wrote the grants, and worked with ODNR to provide the training for the instructors to become certified in August.   The money arrived in December 2017 and was up and running in the Ridgedale AgriScience program and the Physical Education classes in February and March with their local competitions in the respective areas.   Instructors trained were Kris Guthrie, Cherie Leach, Kyle Hamrick, Lynetter Thiel, Kacie Ballenger along with 2 seniors Cole Brown and Madalyne  Geyer.  Ridgedale Local Schools received 3 different Archery sets for the AgriScience program, the Elementary, and the Jr/ Sr High School Physical Education classes.    Thank you to Ohio Department of Natural Resources  and Mid Ohio Energy Cooperative for providing our students this opportunity to expand our students experiences.  

Picture here is Chad Grote Wildlife Officer for Marion Co. and  Brian Barger from mid Ohio Energy Cooperative, Inc.  and Students that participated in the program. 


Winner of the Ridgedale AgriScience Archery contest

Boys division
1st  Jesse Schertzer
2nd  Nathan Blevins
3rd  Josh Patterson
4th  Dillen Hunt
5th  Grant Park

Girls Divsion
1st  Heather Oates
2nd Claire Lust
3rd Cheyanne Parker
4th Mrs. Guthrie
5th Andrea Bosley