Summer Power Hours 2023 Application/Information

You can dowload/print the application by clicking here

Summer POWER Hours 2023

Week One: May 30-June 2, Tuesday-Friday, 8 am-1 pm
Week Two: June 5-June 8, Monday-Thursday, 8 am-1pm
Week Three: June 12-June 15, Monday-Thursday, 8 am-1 pm
Week Four: June 20-June 23, Tuesday-Friday, 8 am-1 pm
Week Five: June 26-June 29, Monday-Thursday, 8 am-1 pm

Drop off @ 8 am
Pick-up @ 1 pm

Daily Activities:

Social-Emotional Learning Time
Recess/Free Time
iReady work and tutoring
Game-based ELA lessons
Kit Fit (recess) group Game
Read Aloud/Independent Reading
Outside walk or Yoga
Project-based Science and Math lessons
Mind Mazes
Field Trips (weekly and weather permitting!)
Club Choice (students choose weekly what they want to learn about!)

Students should bring these items daily:
Water Bottle
Play shoes (not flip flops)